Thursday 20 February 2020

                          HELLO MY NAME IS NED

My name is Ned and I am going to Otaki College
Image result for otaki golf club
 I play golf and football, I am a Representative in golf.I play golf at Otaki golf club.
Image result for otaki football club
for football I play for Otaki football club.


the gun shoots a cloud of smoke, like a misty day,
my ears near bursting with nose like the tocher of the recorder,
when they jump into the water it turns into a curint.
Some of the water jumps out of the pool like they are running away from something?
They take a breath like its their last,
they speed to the end of the pool like they are chasing their prey,
their touch of their finger hitting the end of the pool secers the win!
“Bang! Again”
The noice nearly gives me a hardatach,  “the race is on!”
When they are out of the pool they are all good but when they are in the pool,
" they are like a whole other person".
The ache on their body must be unbearable.
the touch of the finger hit in the end brings a smile to their wet face.

“Bang” “bang” “bang” “bang” the “bangs” keep on rolling well the races start then finish.
The gun vibrates the ground around the shooter in their hi-viz top,
them wearing the top reflects from the big blinding brightness from the sun.
my Eyes have tantrum.
The manu contest! When they jumped in they make tsunami,
it looked like the water was getting torchered. It sounded like they were breaking their backs.
Splash the people were making the water go to the moon.their bums hit the water,
their friends cheering them to pop a big one, The Pressure must give them headaches,”jump”.
“Offffff” back flop.and that's the 2020 otaki college swimming competition. “It was a wavey day”